Elon Musk got me in trouble on LinkedIn!
Last week, I decided to kick the hornet’s nest.
Of course.
People totally missed the point:
I was basically saying "if someone as busy as Elon can find time to post, what's stopping you?"
It wasn't really about Elon specifically. (I’m neither a fanboi or hater of Elon)
Instead of introspection, they did all manner of:
Ad hominem attacks (attacking the person instead of the argument)
People went after Elon's parenting ("doesn't spend time with his kids")
Comments about him being "vile" or "not human"
Questioning his authenticity ("must be using a ghostwriter")
(The ghostwriter bit makes me laugh. Hiring a ghostwriter doesn’t save you TIME. You still need to get the content out of your head, work with the writer, approve the writing, make edits, give feedback)
(One does not really hire a ghostwriter to save time, but to be more EFFECTIVE - just sayin’)
Straw man arguments (misrepresenting my point to make it easier to attack):
People assumed I was saying "be like Elon" when that wasn't my point
They focused on his companies/wealth ("I don't run 6 companies")
They turned it into a debate about Elon's character rather than addressing the time management point
Launching false dichotomies (forcing a choice between two extremes):
Several comments suggested you can either post on social media OR be a good parent/person
The assumption that posting regularly means neglecting other responsibilities
What's kind of funny is that many of the responses actually proved my point: these people clearly had time to engage in a lengthy discussion about why they "don't have time" to post!
I will say this.
I’ve worked with 7 figure founders who have incredibly BUSY lives both personally and professionally.
And have accepted that making content (either themselves or hiring someone/a team) is a very high priority to the business and make it a part of their daily check list.
End of.
The rest is just excuses.
This also tees up my next point
Can you get two calls booked today?
I’m serious.
Drives me nuts when people say “I want two clients a month …”
That’s so wide open.
Why not get two today?
Do you have what it takes to get two strangers to book a call with you today?
If not, why not?
What’s missing?
What would you need today to get two calls booked?
(And I mean 2 bullseye ICPs not some rando off the interwebs)
I will tell you that 7 figure founders who use online spaces to drive both meeting flow and deal flow SYSTEMATIZE high ROI activities in a way that it creates PREDICTABLE streams of meetings.
I’ve also worked with 5 figure founders and the difference is so stark.
One relies on luck.
The other relies on inputs.
If you’re going online just posting and commenting on 100 people a day … that’s depending on luck.
If you’re going online and sharing value and jumping on podcasts… that’s depending on luck.
👉 Luck doeth not makeths a profitable, predictable business sayeths the Lord of Boom.
Before you begin making your system, your messaging needs to be the bedrock of your daily efforts:
Do you have your key differentiators front and center for readers to see?
Do you have a content flywheel set up?
Is your UVP clearly defined on your marketing assets?
Are you messaging to the right segment of buyers?
Have you addressed internal blocks that prevent you from doing outreach and posting?
Do you have a high converting landing page/website/profile set up?
Do you even know what would make it high converting?
Once you have ALL of these set up, only then will your daily inputs make a dang bit of a difference.
Want to book a power hour with me? Smack this link.